Deal and Opportunity Reports

Deal and Opportunity Reports

You can use the Reports Workspace to create reports you may need for Opportunities.

For instructions on the Reports workspace and how to build reports,  review these articles .

The Report workspace divides Opportunities into two different areas for reporting:

  • Deal reports are reports that look at Product Opportunities.
  • Opportunity reports are reports that look at Parent Opportunities.


  • Deal and Opportunity reports use the same fields.
    If you build a Deal report, you can make an Opportunity report the exact same way.
    The difference is only whether the report looks at Product or Parent Opportunities.

There are two basic types of reports you can build as a Deal or Opportunity report:

  • Overdue
  • Upcoming

They each use the same fields, changing only the filters they use.


All of the common Deal and Opportunity reports use the following fields:

  • Description – the primary details of the Opportunity.
  • Expected Amount – the value of the Opportunity.
  • Expected Close – the due date of the Opportunity.
  • Coverage – the Users handling the Opportunity.
  • Related Entities – the person or people with the Opportunity.

You can add additional fields to get the report exactly to your liking, for example:

  • Stage – what progress has been made towards closing.
  • Owner – the primary User in charge of this Opportunity.
  • Products – the services involved in the Opportunity.

You can also rearrange the order by dragging and dropping the fields into the order you want.


There are two filters you need to set on these reports. The first one prevents closed Opportunities from showing up in the report.

Select the Stage filter and check all Stages except for Closed, Closed – Won, and Closed – Lost.

The second one picks the Opportunities that are either past due or upcoming, depending on how you set it.

Select the Expected Close filter, then:

  • For Past Due:
  • For Upcoming:


You can choose to sort the report by any field in it. Usually, it is sorted by the expected close date.

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