Creating Activity Plan Templates

Creating Activity Plan Templates

Navigate to the Customize workspace and go to the Activity Plans tab.

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Click the Add button and select Activity Plan Template or Targeted Activity Plan Template. This will open a window for creating a new one.

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  • Activity Plan Template – Used to create a set of steps that start as soon as the activity plan is activated. They will continue in the assigned order until finished.
  • Targeted Activity Plan Template – This type of template is used to create a series of steps that need to start and end based on the timing of a specific activity. That activity is said to be “targeted” by the other steps.

This new window has four tabs.


The Detail tab is where you name the activity plan. You can also assign it an icon, give it a description, add any notes it needs, and change its view/edit security.

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  • Name – The activity plan should have the same name as the process it is used for.
  • Create Security – Unless it is set to public, this will restrict who can see or use this template.
  • Icon – You can assign each activity plan template an icon to help you identify it.
  • Description – Should explain the basic use of that template.
  • Notes – Include details a user would need to know to use this template.
  • Default View Security and Default Edit Security – Unless these are set to public, they will restrict who can see or use this template.


The Steps tab is where you create the activities that will be part of the activity plan. You also assign the order and/or timing of those activities.

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Click the Add button and select an activity type to begin creating a Step.

If you are creating a Targeted Activity Plan Template, the first step uses Add Target Activity.

Whether adding a Step or a Target Activity, it uses the same process as creating an activity, with the following additions:

Target Activity

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  • Step Schedule – Set this to Relative to Plan Start.
  • Start Date – Set the start date of the target activity to match the start date of the activity plan, or any number of days afterwards.
  • Assign To – Assign this activity to a specific user, a specific coverage role, or whoever starts the plan.
  • Document Manager Items – Attach the letter here if the step will include sending a letter.
  • Signatories – Set the signatories here if the step will include sending a letter


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  • Create Date – Set the date the activity plan will create this activity. In a Target Activity Plan Template, it will always be based on the target activity, but can be set before or after it. In other Activity Plan Templates, it is based on either the start of the activity plan or the end of the previous step.
  • Assign To – Assign this activity to a specific user, a specific coverage role, or whoever starts the plan.
  • Document Manager Items – Attach the letter here if the step will include sending a letter.
  • Signatories – Set the signatories here if the step will include sending a letter.

When finished creating the activity, click OK, which will return you to the Steps tab.

Continue adding new steps, repeating steps 4a and 4b until you finished laying each step of the activity plan.


Add any documents the activity plan needs other than letters. Letters are added directly to the step that prints them.


Leave the default statuses for the activity plan as is or edit them on this tab for custom statuses.

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