Best Practices – How to Use Activities Reports

Best Practices – How to Use Activities Reports

Activities Reports are a type of report found in the Reports workspace, that provides information about the activities in your CRM.

For general information about the Reports workspace and building reports there, see these articles: .

Review those articles before continuing if you need to refresh your memory on the Reports workspace.

The default activities report that is in your G5 is “Activities To Do – 7 Days” which shows you details about all activities coming up in the next 7 days.

That report already has all the fields you need for most activities reports. The Best Practice is to make a copy of that report. Then edit it to provide the information you need.

You can:

  • Add or remove any additional fields you want reported.
  • Change, add, or remove filters to more precisely target the activities you want reports on. For example, if you wanted a report on a specific user’s activities, you could add the “Assign To→Full Name” filter and specify that user’s name.

If you create a new Activities Report that you will use again in the future, you can give it a new name and save it as a new report.

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