Best Practices - Accounts

Best Practices - Accounts

The best way to get account information into G5 is to use the new Financial Accounts Integration. This allows you connect your custodian to G5, adding account info into each client’s record.

This integration provides a comprehensive view of your clients’ accounts, as detailed as your custodian allows. You can get more details about this integration on the knowledge base.

Alternate Account Tracking Methods

There are a couple of other ways you can track account information, if you are unable to use the Financial Accounts Integration:

  1. Product Opportunities: Name the Opportunity the same as the account plus the account number, and any keywords you might need on it, like OHI for Out of House Investment. You can then use the search bar to find all accounts with similar traits. If you regularly need to find all accounts with a certain trait, make sure that trait is mentioned in the name field. When using Product Opportunities to track accounts, use the Expected Close Date as the date you expect the account to mature or potentially need to be reallocated.
  2. Notes. If you do not use quick notes for any other task, they can be a way to keep the account information, and make sure it is front and center in someone’s record. However, if you use notes for anything else, the account information could get buried and be hard to find quickly.
  3. Custom Fields. These can also be used to track account information, since you can create your own.

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